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z/OS Managers

Name Description
RSE API Manager
Provides tests and Galasa Managers with access to RSE API functions.
z/OS 3270 Manager
Provides tests and Managers with a 3270 client.
z/OS Batch z/OS MF Manager
Provides the default implementation of the z/OS Batch Manager using z/OS MF. Can only be used via the z/OS Batch Manager interface.
z/OS Batch RSE API Manager
Provides an implementation of the z/OS Batch Manager using the RSE API. Can only be used via the z/OS Batch Manager interface.
z/OS Console oeconsol Manager
Provides an implementation of the z/OS Console by using the z/OS UNIX oeconsol command. Can only be used via the z/OS Console Manager interface.
z/OS Console z/OS MF Manager
Provides the default implementation of the z/OS Console by using z/OS MF. Can only be used via the z/OS Console Manager interface.
z/OS File RSE API Manager
Provides an implementation of the z/OS File Manager by using RSE API. Can only be used via the z/OS File Manager interface.
z/OS File z/OS MF Manager
Provides the default implementation of the z/OS File Manager using z/OS MF. Can only be used via the z/OS File Manager interface.
z/OS Manager
Provides tests and Managers with access to z/OS images, sysplexes and log information. Additionally, the z/OS Manager contributes annotations which allow you to run batch jobs, issue console commands, transfer files and securely access z/OS systems via TSO or UNIX commands.
z/OS MF Manager
Provides tests and Managers with access to z/OS MF functions.
z/OS Program Manager
Compiles test programs from source embedded in the Galasa test bundle at test start. The executable load module is then available for use in the test.
z/OS TSO Command SSH Manager
Provides the default implementation of the z/OS TSO Command Manager using SSH. Can only be used via the z/OS TSO Command Manager interface.
z/OS UNIX Command SSH Manager
Provides the default implementation of the z/OS UNIX Command Manager using SSH. Can only be used via the z/OS UNIX Command Manager interface.