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zOS Program Manager

This Manager is at Alpha level. You can view the Javadoc documentation for the Manager here.

Provided annotation
Code snippets and examples


This Manager allows Galasa tests to compile and link z/OS programs.

The @ZosProgram annotation defines the program to the Galasa test. Program attributes, for example, program name, programming language and source location are specified by using the annotation elements.

The source for the program is stored as a resource, along with the test. The z/OS Program Manager processes each @ZosProgram annotation before any of the test methods are executed.

The Manager retrieves the source from the test bundle, builds and submits the relevant compile and link JCL based on the programs attributes and CPS properties. The batch job is saved with the test run archive. The program can be executed in the test by retrieving the library containing the load module by using the getLoadLibrary() method.

You can view the Javadoc documentation for the Manager here.

Including the Manager in a test

To use the z/OS program Manager in a test you must import the @ZosProgram annotation into the test, as shown in the following example:

public IZosProgram zosProgramA;

You also need to add the Manager dependency into the pom.xml file if you are using Maven, or into the build.gradle file if you are using Gradle.

If you are using Maven, add the following dependencies into the pom.xml in the dependencies section:


If you are using Gradle, add the following dependencies into build.gradle in the dependencies closure:

dependencies {
compileOnly 'dev.galasa:dev.galasa.zosprogram.manager'


The following properties are used to configure the z/OS Program Manager.

z/OS CICS data set Prefix
Property: zOS CICS data set Prefix
Name: zosprogram.cics.[imageid].dataset.prefix
Description: The prefix of the CICS z/OS data sets that contain load modules (SDFHLOAD) and source copybooks, macros, link SYSIN (SDFHC370, SDFHCOB, SDFHPL1, SDFHMAC, SDFHSAMP) that are used in program compile and link JCL.
Required: Yes, for CICS programs only. The property is not used in non CICS programs
Default value: 'CICS'
Valid values: A comma separated list of one or more valid z/OS data set prefixes
Examples: zosprogram.cics.MVSA.dataset.prefix=CICS
z/OS Language Environment data set prefix
Property: zOS Language Environment data set prefix
Name: zosprogram.le.[imageid].dataset.prefix
Description: The prefix of the Language Environment z/OS data sets that contain load modules (SCEERUN, SCEERUN2) and source copybooks, macros, link SYSIN etc (SCEESAMP) that are used in program compile and link JCL.
Required: Yes
Default value: 'CEE'
Valid values: A comma separated list of one or more valid zOS data set prefixess
Examples: zosprogram.le.MVSA.dataset.prefix=CEE
z/OS Program Language compile SYSLIBs
Property: zOS Program Language compile SYSLIBs
Name: zosprogram.[language].[imageid].compile.syslibs
Description: The site specific and language specific (COBOL, C, PL1, ASSEMBLER) custom z/OS data sets that contain source copybooks and macros that are used in the compile SYSLIB concatenation in the z/OS program compile and link JCL.
Required: No
Default value: None
Valid values: A comma separated list of one or more valid zOS data sets
Examples: zosprogram.cobol.MVSA.compile.syslibs=TEAM.COPYBOOK
z/OS Program Language data set prefix
Property: zOS Program Language data set prefix
Name: zosprogram.[language].[imageid].dataset.prefix
Description: The prefix of the language specific z/OS data sets that contain STEPLIB load modules that are used in program compile and link JCL, for example, in COBOL - SIGYCOMP, in C - SCCNCMP, in PL1 - SIBMZCMP
Required: An entry is required for each language used, for example, COBOL, C, PL1, ASSEMBLER
Default value: None
Valid values: A comma separated list of one or more valid zOS data set prefixes
Examples: zosprogram.cobol.MVSA.dataset.prefix=IGY.V6R3M0
z/OS Program Language link SYSLIBs
Property: zOS Program Language link SYSLIBs
Name: zosprogram.[language].[imageid].link.syslibs
Description: The site specific and language specific (COBOL, C, PL1, ASSEMBLER) custom z/OS data sets that contain load modules that are used in the link SYSLIB concatenation in the z/OS program compile and link JCL.
Required: No
Default value: None
Valid values: A comma separated list of zOS data sets

Annotations provided by the Manager

The following annotations are available with the z/OS Program Manager

z/OS Program
Annotation: z/OS Program
Name: @ZosProgram
Description: The @ZosProgram annotation requests the z/OS Program Manager to Compile and Bind a program on a z/OS image. The test can request multiple z/OS Program instances
Attribute: name The program name. Required.
Attribute: location Path to the location of the program source in the Galasa test bundle. This can be either the full path including the file name or the directory containing the source with the name specified in the name attribute with the extension specified in the language attribute. Optional. The default value is "resources".
Attribute: language The programming language. Required. See ZosProgram.Language.

Attribute: cics Is a CICS program and requires the CICS translator. Optional. The default value is false.
Attribute: loadlib The load module data set name. Optional. The default value is "".
Attribute: imageTag The imageTag is used to identify the z/OS image. Optional. The default value is "primary".
Attribute: compile Compile this zOS program. Optional. The default value is true.
Syntax: @ZosImage(imageTag="A")
public IZosImage zosImageA;
public IZosProgram zosProgramA;
Notes: The IZosProgram interface has a number of methods to manage the z/OS Program. See ZosProgram and IZosProgram to find out more.

Code snippets and examples

Use the following code snippets to help you get started with the z/OS Program Manager.

Compile and Link a COBOL program

The following snippet shows the code that is required to compile and link a COBOL program called MYPROG in a Galasa test:

@ZosProgram(name = "MYPROG",
        location = "source",
        language = Language.COBOL,
        imageTag = "A")
public IZosProgram myprog;

The program source is stored in a file named MYPROG.cbl in a folder named source in the test bundle resources folder. The manager builds the JCL to compile and link the source code and submits it on the zOS Image allocated in the zosImageA field.

Run the compiled program

The following snippet shows the code required to run the compiled program in a batch job:

@ZosImage(imageTag = "A")
public IZosImage image;

@ZosBatch(imageTag = "A")
public IZosBatch zosBatch;


StringBuilder jcl = new StringBuilder();
jcl.append("//STEP1   EXEC PGM=");
jcl.append("//STEPLIB DD DSN=");
jcl.append("//SYSOUT  DD SYSOUT=*");
IZosBatchJob job = zosBatch.submitJob(jcl.toString(), null);

The manager created a load library for MYPROG because the @ZosProgram annotation did not specify one. The name of the library is obtained using the getLoadlib() method on the field so that it can be added to the STEPLIB in the JCL.