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Viewing test results

You can view the results of your test runs in Eclipse by completing the following steps:

  1. Initialise the framework by selecting Galasa > Initialise Galasa Framework from the Eclipse main menu. The framework is initialised.
  2. Open the Galasa Results tab by selecting Window > Show View > Other, expand Galasa and choose Galasa Results.
  3. Expand Local -> All runs -> Today’s runs to view the test runs for that day.
  4. Double-click on the test run that you want to view to open the run editor.
  5. Select the General tab to view the result of the test run.
  6. Select the Run Log tab to view a record of the events from the test run.
  7. Select the Stored Artifacts tab to view test artifacts stored from the run, for example, terminal screens, recorded web requests and responses.